Friday, September 18, 2009

Things I've Noticed in LA

Since we've been living in LA for just over 6 months now, I thought I'd share some of my observations. So, here's a little of what life is like in LA.

1) It's impossible to make an easy left turn at most intersections. While most intersections have lights, they rarely have left-turn signals. And, since no one in LA walks anywhere, there are always lots of cars at every intersection. This forces you to turn left when the light turns yellow, provided everyone else stops moving (which isn't always the case), or in the split-second after it turns red. I've seen many police officers employ this tactic as well, and it was even semi-condoned in Jeremy's driving test for his California license, so apparently it's just what must be done.

2) There is an alarmingly high percentage of hipsters in the LA population. Many of them appear to be malnourished and unable to hold themselves upright.

4) There is also an alarmingly high percentage of wannabe hipsters. You know, the kind that hang out with hipsters and try to look like them by wearing cool shoes or tight pants, but really they're too put together or too well-fed, or something else subtle but important isn't quite right, and they just look awkward. Yeah, they're here, too.

5) Nobody drinks coffee here. Except Fuller students.

6) The stereotypes of California body-consciousness and fashion-forwardness appear to be true. This isn't to say that everyone here is skinny and wearing designer labels all the time (although in some areas this looks to be the case), but I've noticed many more people who seem to put more emphasis on their bodies and clothes looking put together at all times. People seem to know what looks good on them and what the latest trends are, and they go for it. Women also wear much fancier shoes here than in the Midwest. Clinton and Stacy would be proud.

7) The flip-side of number 6, however, isn't so pretty. While there are a large number of people who just look really good, I also see many people who...well...don't look so good... I also see more people here who have had way too many plastic surgeries and no longer look human, or people who want to look like their favorite pop star and don't wear enough clothes - and, sometimes, don't have the body of their favorite pop start to pull it off. This, I think, is body-consciousness taken too far. It also seems more prevalent on the beach than in the city.

8) I love going to the store and hearing multiple languages around me. I also oddly enjoy going to places where I'm the only white person. I've never really lived in a place where that can be true - at least not as often as it is here.

9) I'm realizing that I'm tall. Just today, I was in a public bathroom and every sink was in use. As I looked down the mirror, I noticed that every woman at all the other sinks were about to my shoulders. I'm not sure how I feel about this. But I've discussed this before.

10) Apparently, wildfires aren't scary. Even when they're 5-ish miles away from you. Who knew?

Bonus! 11) Married life really is remarkably different than single life with roommates. Not to say that I didn't love my roommates and that I'd trade anything for the fun we had at Calvin - but I love married life. A lot. And having a dog just enhances it. :)

The End.

Don't you want to come visit me so you can experience all this for yourself?

1 comment:

Hehoff said...

No, pretty much, I don't want to come visit you so I don't have to experience any of that. But you are welcome to come visit us to escape from that madness. There is no such thing as a "hipster" in Indiana.