Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nov. 8-11

Confession: I missed a couple days of my daily photo challenge.  I didn't take any pictures on the 8th or 9th.  Yesterday, the 10th, I took a bunch on a day downtown with my parents.  And then today I was tired and had a headache and didn't do anything again.

So - here's a conglomeration of pictures mostly from yesterday, some from a few days ago.  I didn't do my challenge, per se, but I did learn a lot about manual settings on my camera.  I say it counts.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 5 - 7

More pictures!  Hooray!

Here we have (1) out for breakfast at Wild Mountain Cafe, (2) the puzzle that kept me company during the election mayhem, and (3) worship rehearsal at Harbor Church.  These were all sort of tests of various lighting, etc.  I think I'm getting the hang of this manual focus thing!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 4

I finally got out the advanced manual for my camera, and learned how to use the manual mode.  So, I was playing around with different shutter speeds and apertures and depths of field and all these others words I'm trying to keep straight.  On my old camera, I could get by without knowing actual terms for things - I could just mess with settings until the picture looked how I wanted it to.  Now...there's a little more work.

Anyway - here's my best shot of the night.  This is a sari from Malaysia, that we currently use to cover a table in the bedroom.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Nov. 3

Today was the Fall Festival!  Here's a shot I got of a lot of fun being had in the bouncy house.  That thing was a huge hit!

To be honest...I'm not sure what I did to get this picture.  But - I love it!  I'm still learning, right?

Nov. 2

This one was taken in preparation for our Fall Festival at Harbor Church.  I helped put together some goodie bags for the kiddos to take home, and got to have some fun with fall-themed stickers.  This little guy was one of my favorites.

Also - it gave me a chance to play with my macro setting.  I can't figure out how to manually choose where the focus goes yet...but my camera did a pretty good job of figuring it out on its own. 

time to learn (Nov. 1)

I got a new camera for my birthday this year, and I've been looking for excuses to actually learn the ins and outs of this new toy.  So - each day for the next little while (I haven't decided how long) I'll take at least one picture, probably playing with some feature of my camera.

So - you're invited to follow along!

Here's Nov. 1:

I hereby promise that not every photo will be of my dog.  But...I didn't take my camera with me anywhere this day, and he was being funny - so I went with it.

This was on "Creative Auto" - which allows me to select things like blurry backgrounds and the like, while adjusting the focus automatically.  So far, I'm a fan.  :)