Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our Family's Myers-Briggs

Jeremy had to take the Myers-Briggs personality test today for his work at Fuller's orientation. So, we had a little fun.

Jeremy is an INFJ:
"Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. Conscientious and committed to their firm values. Develop a clear vision about how best to serve the common good. Organized and decisive in implementing their vision."
This, in my judgment, is very much my husband. Jeremy thinks it makes him sound boring, but I disagree.

I (Jana) am an ISFJ:
"Quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. Committed and steady in meeting their obligations. Thorough, painstaking and accurate. Loyal, considerate, notice and remember specifics about people who are important to them, concerned with how others feel. Strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home."
I wouldn't really describe myself as painstaking and accurate, although Jeremy tells me otherwise. Hmmmm...

And, the most fun - Charlie is an ISTP:
"Tolerant and flexible, quiet observers until a problem appears, then act quickly to find workable solutions. Analyze what makes things work and readily get through large amounts of data to isolate the core of practical problems. Interested in cause and effect, organize facts using logical principles, value efficiency."
For example, Charlie will generally sit around until something scary or loud happens, or he smells food. Then, he will act quickly to find a workable solution - such as how to get away from the scary/loud happening, or how to eat the food. Also, he analyzes things with his nose and seeks to find logical principles and cause and effect - such as, "this smells bad and tastes delicious, thus, anything which smells bad tastes delicious" or "if I go towards that loud truck, it will eat me - so, I must run away."

1 comment:

anna said...

hahahahahaha That's AMAZING. Especially Charlie's. Maaaaan I miss you guys. :(

I'm gonna do the test now. Yippie!