Thursday, April 2, 2009

Feel like praying?

It feels like a lot of important stuff is happening in a very short span of time. Take a deep we go:

1. Jeremy's green card interview is Monday morning in Detroit. We're both exciting and terrified for our 11:30 appointment! We've been told that the interview is always less scary then it seems; basically, we need to prove to the Department of Homeland Security that we really are married and we really do love each other and this isn't all just to let Jeremy stay in the country. Which, I would hope, shouldn't be hard. But, as some of you remember, the whole process has been stressful and longer than we anticipated, so we're looking forward to this being done. Assuming everything goes well in the interview, our lawyer tells us we should have the card in our hands within 3 weeks. We're expecting a little longer, mostly because that's how this process seems to go AND so that if it does come in 3 weeks, we'll be pleasantly surprised! Regardless of when it comes, though, when we have it, we're throwing a party. Guinness floats will abound.

2. We found out yesterday that someone may have stolen my social security number. We tried to open a new bank account, and they couldn't let us because someone in Chicago opened an account, overdrew it, and then left it without paying any off the fees that were piling up - all using my social security number. The good news is, though, that my credit score is still fine and it doesn't look like she's made any huge purchases, so there's a chance it might have been a clerical error in the bank. But, still, I have to go through the whole process of reporting (which, by the way, doesn't seem to be very efficient - I have to wait for a week for things to come in the mail before I can even know the whole process of reporting things. Safer, I guess, but a lot can happen in a week...). Still, if she's trying to get some cold hard money, I think she maybe went for the wrong identity. I'm sure this woman will be very impressed with all the money I have to my name. She'll have a great time at the dollar spot at Target. :)

3. In more exciting news, I'm waiting to hear - probably today - if I got a job babysitting 2 great little boys 2 days a week. This has been a month-long process; the family is looking to replace someone they've had with them for 10 years, doing different tasks, so for them it's like replacing a family member. So I've had three or four "trial runs" with these boys, most of which have ended with a "Mommy, that was so fun!" and a big hug from the boys, so I think I've got a good shot. I am, however, up against someone named Olga, which could work to my advantage or disadvantage. :) But, it would be fun and they're a great family, so hopefully I get some good news.

4. Also on the job-hunting front, Jeremy and I are finally getting to use our CRC/Calvin College connections. :) To make a long story short, we got hooked up with a recruiter for the CRC in Southern California who met my parents, and she told us of a church about 35 min. away from our apartment that is looking for worship leaders. After mentioning this to my parents, we learned that the pastor went to seminary with my dad, and they were RDs in the dorms when my parents were, too, at the beginning for their marriage. So, the recruiter gave the church our resumes, and we went to visit the church on Sunday, and it was incredible. We were greeted so well by both people who knew who we were and why we were there and by people who just saw new faces. People were giving us hugs and hooked us up with other people our age - some of whom went to Calvin - and we ended up going out for lunch with the pastor's wife and another person our age. Someone even invited us over for Easter! And the worship was so genuine; it really reminded me a lot of the church I grew up in - down to the same chairs, stage set-up, and pulpit! I think we'd fit in well there...I've never been so well received at a church before... The pastor himself was gone to Grand Rapids, believe it or not, but we talked with another woman who'd been reviewing our resumes and she was SO excited about both me and Jeremy. So, apparently the pastor was coming back on Monday, then was swamped with meetings Tues. and Wed., and then hopefully by the end of the week we could set up a time to meet with him. It's SO exciting to think of having an actual, fulfilling job, rather than some of the other places we've applied. Jeremy and I both love leading worship, and it's a big part of what we were preparing ourselves for in college, so it's VERY exciting to think we'd get to do that AND keep studying... But, assuming we'd split that and I'd get the babysitting job, we feel like we'd be pretty well set money-wise, which is also a nice feeling. We just have to get there first. :)

5. We've finally started at Fuller! Monday was our first day of classes. We only have classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, which is great, especially as we're looking down the barrel at some job opportunities. Jeremy and I are taking two classes together, which will save us some book money - American Church History and Old Testament writings - and then we each have a night class. Jeremy's taking Christian Ethics and I'm in Culture and Transformation. We're both excited about all three of our classes, and the first week went well. Hooray! :)

So, if anyone's been wondering if we need prayer...yes, please. :) We'd really appreciate staying in your thoughts and prayers as we go into these next few days and weeks. If you made it all the way down, thanks for reading...and, of course, I have to leave you with a picture!'s one from hiking with two of our neighbors about a week ago:

1 comment:

sara said...

Wow friend you guys have a lot going on! It's all very exciting/scary! I will definitely be keeping you guys in my prayers.