Wednesday, April 15, 2009

an experiment in verbosity

I've noticed that my husband's blogs are much more eloquent than my own. Being that I am clearly the superior being, I cannot allow this atrocity to continue the pleasure of existence any longer. Thus, I have come to the decision that my posts must be brimming with grandiosity. I hope that's a word.

We have finished The Sopranos. Perhaps a number of you are not acquainted with this piece of television brilliance, but it is, in fact, brilliant. However, I cannot seem to comprehend the complexity of the final moments. Tragically, I cannot divulge the details of this sequence, because I am about to commence my commendation of the show to the entirety of my audience. (All four of you...) I plead with each and every one of you to watch this show. It is a thing of beauty, allowing the viewer an inside look into the underworld of organized crime in the form of the mafia, while instilling in all who are willing a love for these seemingly degenerate sociopaths. In fact, I even shed a tear when one of the protagonists met his untimely demise at the hands of a murderer. The Sopranos shows the viewer beauty in the midst of depravity. (Hey, that sentence actually held a little depth...)

Meanwhile, tomorrow marks the commemoration of the birth of my beloved canine companion, Sir Charles Watson the Valiant. He has enjoyed life for the entirety of one year. In order to herald his event, my husband and I intend to make our merry way to the lovely Old Pasadena, where an establishment named Three Dog Bakery resides. Here, furry friends can enjoy frosting, ice cream, and cookies created especially for "man's best friend." Following this, we intend to carry our pal to the dog park, a place where he can run and play and find joy in so doing, after which he will inevitably drift off to slumber, allowing us to complete our studies in peace.

And now, my friends, may you enjoy the rest of your activities in cyberspace. My time here has been completed, and I shall retire to my other tasks. Peace be with you.

(Whew! That was hard work...still. I win.)


Unknown said...

My wife is weird. Or as I might put it, my beloved spouse occasionally registers irrational behavior.

anna said...

hahahahahahaha that made me laugh a lot. you guys are weird. that almost hurt to read.

itz kuz im dum.