Saturday, September 12, 2009


Today, Jeremy and I went to the zoo. We spent some time looking at the gorillas, and I noticed a large, brown, crusty area on the hand railings. Also, we noticed that while most of the animals in the zoo were sleeping or playing in the water, the gorillas were simply sitting alone, looking very crabby.

Suddenly, a zoo worker came running to the scene, brandishing his spray bottle of cleaner and a big, thick rag. "Excuse me! Excuse me! Please let me through!" he yelled to the gorilla-awed crowd, as he pushed his way towards the crusty spot. All the while, the gorillas watched and pouted.

As he feverishly scrubbed down the crusty area, we all glanced at him, not thinking much of his need to clean the railing - and, I noticed, a rather large area of brown crustiness on the pavement below. After some time of scrubbing, a woman next to the worker asked, "How did this get so dirty?" The man looked at the sulking gorillas, then smiled at the woman and answered, "Sometimes the gorillas get sick of people looking at them, so...they threw it..."

Yes, my friends. Today, angry gorillas threw their poop at adoring fans.

The End.

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