Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Rant on Adam Lambert

Okay. I admit it. Adam Lambert, from American Idol, is good. He's got and incredible talent for connecting to the emotion of the song he's singing, and, lets face it, he can hit some notes. There. I said it. He's got talent.

But, really? Does no one else see the intense musical theater-ness of his style? Is there no one else in the world who thinks he has HUGE potential as a Broadway star, but not so much on the radio? Or, even better - does anyone else see the potential he has to be the world's next Meatloaf? How's that for filling a gaping cultural hole?

And, really? Does he always have to get the best performance spot on the show? Is it really necessary that he end (or almost end) nearly every show of this season, leaving us with a huge Adam-imprint to carry us into voting?

And does he really need to get all the fancy lights and stage set-ups, when everyone else gets a mic in the center of the stage...or maybe, just maybe, in the middle of the "mosh pit" of teenage girls in the front?

And One?? Really?? One??? Sure, it was a decent performance, but I'm sorry, no one - not even the Lord of the Universe Adam Lambert - can touch that song. Except Bono.

Am I the only one who notices the incredible bias that American Idol presents with every Adam Lambert performance?

And please, Mr. Lambert. Put away your tongue. I gag a little whenever I see it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahahaha you crack me up jana! I agree with you on this one. He is a very good performer and I think AI does push their opinion on the peeps. I think they were doing that to danny gokey too but that has died down a bit. I think my favorite is kris. He makes me smile and I think I'd actually listen to his songs when they come on. Ok that's enough ranting. :)