Saturday, September 6, 2008


So, here I sit, on my second full day without my husband. Jeremy recently started a new job at Calvin's Service-Learning Center, which he loves and is having a great time with, but also keeps him very very busy with its current event called StreetFest - part of the freshman orientation at Calvin. The past three days, he's worked from 7 a.m. to about 5:30 p.m. - and two of those three days, I had days off.


But, I've been very productive. I started a class at Calvin Seminary on the theology of C.S. Lewis and am halfway through my homework due on Wednesday. I also successfully baked a giant batch of my grandma's famous butterhorns - a very difficult and not often accomplished feat (unless, of course, you are Grandma). And today I realized how dirty our apartment had gotten with our current business, so I cleaned everything in it - including the dog.

I often feel that this blog should be about something. Jeremy has a blog where he writes his thoughts on some very deep and important topics. My sister-in-law has a blog mainly about her dogs and her photography. I've found some other blogs on cooking and recipes and diet advice. I, however, range from random updates on my current happenings (which, when I have the urge to write them, aren't usually all that exciting - hence my reason for writing them...) to book recommendations to some intense questions about life and faith. But I think I like it that way. If I have thoughts I want to share with the world, I will do so. If I have thoughts I want to keep away from you all - that's what my journal is for.


Anyway - I think I best update others on my life with pictures. So, here are some pictures of what's happening in the Koh household.

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