Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ending February

Feb. 21: sunshine after the rain


Feb. 22: Dusk


Feb. 23: Sweet mug used during my Greek study group

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Feb. 24: rainbow laundry!


Feb. 25: window at the Catalyst

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Feb. 26: feet


Feb. 27: new haircut! Except I think this picture makes it look longer than it's at my chin.


Feb. 28: bag from Malaysia

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feb. 19-20

So, as you may have noticed, my best pictures are often my close-up, macro pictures. So, I'm trying to get better at long-range, more wide-angle pictures over the next few weeks/months. Here are my attempts so far:

Feb. 19: Disneyland, about to be eaten by a whale


Feb. 20: The most random police officers ever outside Starbucks in Arcadia...

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Feb. 11-18

Okay. I admit it. I've done a terrible, terrible job with this lately. As a result, many of these pictures were taken on the same day on a big walk Jeremy and I went on - and then I just cheated and assigned them all dates. But, I'm not going to tell you which ones are the cheater pictures. So you'll just have to guess for yourself. :)

Feb. 11: Pie and Burger


Feb. 12: I really liked this sign. :)


Feb. 13: arches and pillars


Feb. 14: Art Deco


Feb. 15: well hey, Mr. Turtle


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Feb. 16: neat wall


Feb. 17: despair


Feb. 18: bamboo

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feb. 5-10

Feb. 5: homelessness on Lake Ave.


Feb. 6: Crazy-awesome light after the rain


Feb. 7: Beautiful, smog-filled sunset


Feb. 8: flower


Feb. 9: California oranges!

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Feb. 10: Me and my buddy, Charlie, who is too lazy to even hold himself up...


Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 1-4

Feb. 1: I learned this flower is called a saucer magnolia. I love it.


Feb. 2: our spices


Feb. 3: deliciousness


Feb. 4: at the Gamble House

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